Sunday, June 1, 2008

Application of Visual Identities

The chapter on Visual Identities showed me multiple insights on two prominent logos in computer development. Although our specific study does not involve comparing two distinct logos within the same market, I believe that the analysis tools of semiotics will aid us greatly in our study on the Starbucks logo. Thus, at a closer look at we can apply the analysis of the Starbucks visual invariants of how the green portrays an earthly tone and mindset to all consumers. The running stream of consciousness, similar to the Levi Strauss example, can be our best way to start analyzing, and through these conscious thoughts we can build on further to establish a more meaningful analysis. I think that this method of initial analyzing will work well specifically for my part of the project in analyzing objects from the company. In addition, the current green logo contains stripes within the image of the siren, portraying an image of fluidity between the siren and concentric circles; which is also present in the Apple and IBM logos mentioned. And lastly I believe the most important part that I can specifically take away from this reading is that to analyze logos you almost have to always put them back within their context. Thus, my analysis of the artifacts with or without the logo's presence are a key piece of evidence towards the analysis of the Starbucks logo as a whole.

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